Thursday, September 8, 2011

T.G.I. almost F.

Wow, what a long week it has been! Thank goodness it is almost over and I have am super excited to have a very handsome date to the Diamondback/Padres game tomorrow night. :) 4:10 tomorrow cannot come soon enough, and the weird thing is that most of my classmates feel the same way. Is it the crisp fall air? (yeah, right!)

Anyway, breakfast today is not pictured. My bf and I have an assignment that we're working on for one of our classes that involves courtroom observations so we were downtown watching some sentencing hearings. We left after an hour (we saw 2 hearings) and went straight to Starby's- we needed caffeine ASAP. I had a grande iced coffee in a venti cup, a spinach feta wrap, and a banana.
It was a filling and satisfying breakfast. It gave me enough power to finally finish this assignment that managed to beat all of my energy out of me the past several times I attempted it.

I noshed on some grapes as I did some more studying. Does anyone notice that their motivation seems to lag when they don't work out in the morning? Mine sure seems to.

Lunch was a salad, cheese its, and strawberries. In the pic you'll see a tangerine, I peeled it and ate a piece and it was terribly bitter. Serves me right for buying out of season produce. I know better than that.

*Random talent I posess: Being able to peel tangerines in one piece.

How funny are these napkins that my mom sent me?

Study Snack-
Granola bar and banana

After I did some torts studying, I (finally) went to the gym

Workout of the day:
.07 mi warm up
2.5 mile run! (so amazing)
.07 mi cool down
There was a time when running for almost 10 minutes exhausted me, tonight I ran for almost 40 minutes straight. I believe that short term goals are just as important as long term, and my goal is to run 3 miles on Monday. I was going to do more at the gym tonight but my legs felt like Jello and my arms and shoulders are still really sore from yoga yesterday.

Dinner tonight was fast, easy and super filling
veggie soup, peach, 1 piece of bread with a laughing cow cheese.

Spinach feta wrap
Total: 8 points

Total: 0 points

Cheese its
Total: 5 points

Granola bar
Total: 4 points

Bread w/cheese

I know it's too hot here for most people to consider soup for dinner but I love it year round. My project this weekend is making this amazing carrot soup recipe I saw online. I'm thinking serve it with a salad and a white bean crostini. As the Barefoot Contessa would say, "How bad can that be?"
That's all for now guys- time to spend a little time with my cat who I'm sure misses me all day when I'm gone. (I'm actually sure he thinks of it as a vacation)

Let's see a little less of each other next time,

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