Saturday, July 14, 2012

It's been a while...

Oh, man. Life has been cray as of late, and I could not be more over it. As far as fitness/exercise- I have not been doing a stellar job. However, I am back to weighing in weekly so the only place to go is up. I have been subsisting on iced coffee, bananas, and granola bars because I have neither the time nor desire to cook. This is changing though. With my manfriend moving in, we will be able to plan delicious (and healthy) meals that I can make for him.

I am also looking forward to settling into a routine when my regular school schedule starts up again, and if that means cutting back at work, so be it. Speaking of school, despite only taking two classes this summer, I am often overwhelmed. I think a lot of this stems from the fact that I have an actual final and a 10 page paper for one class and the professor for the other one is not clear at all with his expectations or his grading criteria and I fell like I am living last summer's crim pro nightmare all over again on a smaller scale. I have never seen myself as a practicing attorney and I am still in school to finish what I started, to have a degree for all of the money I have spent but not because I feel like I want to set up shop live in infamy by some Johnny Cochran esque tagline. When I graduated from college, I had a clear vision of what I wanted to do, lobby. However, I knew better than to expect people to listen to a 22 year old. They probably won't listen to a 24 year old, but having a J.D. does command some authority.

However, this does not calm my restless mind. Every day I look at jobs online in my target market. The utility of this is clear, if I begin to hate this so fiercely, I can leave. And I am the only one responsible for my happiness. It just really sucks that I have a new bathing suit that I still haven't had the chance to wear and July 4th was just another day for me.

I think the root of these feelings is homesickness. I miss my family. I ask my boyfriend everyday if we can just pack up and move to Modesto because I need my tribe. Come August 2nd I am taking off for 15 days to be good to myself. I am flying back home (taking off super early because I am that anxious to get home). I plan on doing nothing more than walking the neighborhood, riding my beach cruiser, working out, and working on my tan. In the meantime...
 Also, it's really weird for me to write a post like this, most of the time I would prefer to write a "man, that sucked but I survived and came out on the other side" so it's kind of weird to write this in the place I am currently in.

1 comment:

  1. These are the posts you must write, because you are not alone. I feel that burnout, that I have strayed from course, only to learn the course I first set out on wasn't real. I miss my kids so much, every morning my 3 year old snaps awake and runs through the house looking for me before he's even awake, "Do you have to go to work today Mommy?" And I keep saying yes, I keep leaving him, and I hate it. Hope that 15 days helps!! Hang in there - I'm sure its just a phase.
