This is me! 38.8 pounds lighter and still a work in progress. I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now and I just couldn't pick a topic. However, I am deeply committed to exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle no matter what. I was hesitant to blog about this because weight loss is so personal and not a topic everyone is comfortable talking about. But I came up with this idea when I was asked by several classmates how I have lost the weight and I have inspired another classmate to join me on this journey. I felt really comfortable explaining to them how much I have lost and how I'm doing it. I am on the weight watchers plan which works well with my incredibly type A personality and I work out like a mad woman. I feel like all of those BS headlines about "the secret to weight loss" and "how to lose x number of pounds in 5 seconds" are ridiculous, misleading, and impractical. I'm here to share the real deal: the ups and downs, championing the victories both big and small all along the way.

What she ate:
1/2 c. egg whites w/ sauteed spinach and 1 oz. fat free feta
2 pieces low cal whole wheat toast (dry)
Coffee w/ fat free half and half and 2 splenda
(5 points total)
1/2 fat free cottage cheese
1 c. strawberries
(2 points total)
tomato sandwich
barbecue popchips
(6 points total)
(2 points total)
zucchini and garlic sauteed in 2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
1/2 c. brown rice
Workout of the day:
.7 mi warm up
2.25 mi run! (epic win)
.7 mi cool down
* core exercises
10 lumbar extensions
10 mini bridges
10 sit ups
10 plank ups
(repeat 3 times)
*Set 1
10 pull ups
10 push ups
10 squat& kicks (5 kicks from each leg)
(repeat 3 times)
Set 2
10 bicep curl& presses (6lb weights, but probably should have done 10)
10 Kettleball swings, left arm (15 lb wt)
10 KB swings, right arm (same weight)
repeat 3 times
Set 3
5 tricep kickbacks, right arm (10 lb wt)
5 tricep kickbacks, left arm (same weight
10 tricep presses (15 lb weight)
10 tricep dips (Owwwwww!)
repeat 3 times
Let's see a little less of each other next time :)

Great job Jules, love the blog! I think this takes courage to share your intimate journey.So glad that the focus is health, not the "look". Your inner beauty, talent, perserverance are just some of the qualities that make you who you are and is pre-eminant in all you do. The "look" is the bonus.. Keep it up!!