I have so many updates!!!!!!
First up-
A recap of Missouri.

Evan and I went to a wedding in Augusta,MO. It was stunning. Being a northern California native growing up about 2 hours from Napa, I wasn't sure what to expect from Missouri's wine country. I am happy to report that it surpassed my expectations. It was an absolutely idyllic setting for such a beautiful wedding. It was also nice to get out of Phoenix and experience the fall season as we both had always known it with turning leaves and a slight chill in the air.
We flew out on a Friday night and arrived in St. Louis at midnight. Then we went on a small adventure to procure our rental car. There was an hour and a half wait because there were so many people and only one working!!! I guess they weren't expecting that many people even though they give you a time to pick up the car. So, I sprawled out on the chairs in the waiting area while my handsome travel companion waited in line. We got a Jeep Patriot which was a cute little SUV and it came with my favorite amenities- A satellite radio and bun warmers ;) They must have had two dozen Chevy Cruze's in the lot and I was kind of bummed that we didn't get one of those because I kind of want one and was curious to see how they drive, etc. But we procured a means of transportation for going from St. Louis where we stayed to Augusta where the wedding was.
It was really funny because it was cold and dark and we were tired and Evan started driving up to check out of the lot and he said "man, it takes a lot to get this car moving" and then the guy checking us out told us the the emergency brake was on!
Then we got to the hotel. The Westin in St. Louis was absolutely amazing! The giant soaking tub was a girl's dream come true!! We had a beautiful room and the view right out our window was of Busch Stadium- and this was the weekend after the Cardinals won the World Series so it was super cool! We ordered in Italian that night (only place that delivers after 2) and slept. Such a wonderful welcome to the city.

On Saturday we woke up pretty late, got dressed and went on the hunt for food. I am not from St. Louis but my impression is that there is only Italian food. We walked about 2 miles (why drive when you have cute boots made for walking and skipped the gym?) We came across this really cool looking grocery store. Ev was suspicious because he thought it was like a typical grocery store and I thought A) I want something healthy and a grocery store will have a produce department and B) this is definitely not a typical grocery store because it is advertising wine and beer tasting. So we went in- it was totally like a Whole Foods but without the "organic" vibe. Gelato tasting, espresso bar, huge deli with everything you could want. Ev got a quesadilla and I got a 0% Honey Chobani (my favorite flavor!!) a pint of raspberries (I cannot control myself around raspberries, too good) to mix in, a diet coke and we split a cupcake. I know, not exactly healthy but it was made by a Cupcake Wars champion. If you know me, you know how I feel about Food Network- I just had to try it! I was totally worth it and I say if you really want to try something that's calorie dense, find someone to split it with.
And I may or may not have bought a bottle of moscato to drink in the giant soaking tub. Okay, I did.
Then we got all fancy for the wedding. It had taken me weeks to find a dress and then at the very last store I went to (literally) I found it, and it was under budget. I love Express :) And I got the best accessory ever- my teddy bear in a suit- he looked so handsome, but that's his usual M.O. ;)

The scenery was stunning!

He wasn't double fisting, the wine was mine- and it was delicious!

We got our drink and dance on and then called it a night and drove back to St. Louis.

On Sunday we woke up late (blame it on jet lag) and found a super seedy smoke filled diner to eat lunch. Seriously, the place is like a ghost town. And then we went on our merry sightseeing way- First stop- the arch. It was so cool! I loved the museum

and then we got in the little cubbies that take you to the top. They were pretty creepy and every time I felt it move I was convinced we were going to plummet to our death. Maybe that's a little melodramatic but I don't like things I can't control. We made it to the top and it was so windy that day that it was actually swaying!!! it was worth the fear though for the view!

Then we went back down, walked through the park and decided to go up the freeway to the zoo!! We had a blast! It was so much fun- I was a little bummed that by the time we had seen all of the other exhibits and we got to the bears they were already asleep but we got to see the penguins!

As we were taking pictures in the paring lot, it hit me. I needed Starbucks.

It had been too long since I had coffee and I was having a hardcore craving/ lack of caffeine meltdown. Luckily, my manfriend is very understanding of the relationship I have with BUX and with a little help from iPhone GPS and a 20 minute drive, we ended up at Starbucks in the West End. It was such a charming neighborhood with cute apartment buildings and 4 story houses. As we walked into the coffee shop, I spotted a bulldog puppy!!!! She was so cute, I almost forgot about coffee for about 5 minutes as I pet her. So precious! I definitely have a thing for the squishy faced dog breeds. Love.
After coffee, we spent a little time walking and exploring the neighborhood and I saw a cute little chocolatier. I am a sucker for trying local specialties so we got a little box. They had the most divine dark chocolate covered peanut brittle ever. So glad we stopped and that Evan knows whenever we get out of the car there is going to be at least 20 minutes of walking so I don't feel guilty and he's patient about that.
Then we went back to the hotel to change and figure out what was for dinner. I really wanted Chinese and had seen a place the previous day on our excursion to breakfast and wanted to go there only EVERYTHING IS CLOSED ON SUNDAY'S IN ST. LOUIS!!! We literally could not find a place on Yelp. We headed back in the direction to the zoo where there was a mall and we knew we could find a chain restaurant. we ended up at CPK. We ordered the vegetarian lettuce wraps as an appetizer and then I ordered the Kung Pao pasta. I was a little suspicious, but I was really craving Chinese and it was so good! I took about a cup of it and put it on my app plate and left the rest. As good as it was, I know that typical restaurant pasta portions are about 3 cups and can contain as may as 1200 calories. No, thank you.
On Monday, we woke up ready to bid farewell to the midwest and our little vacation. I found a highly acclaimed greasy spoon for breakfast so we headed there and then to the mall just to walk and window shop, burn off breakfast and kill time before our flight.
It was a wonderful time and a great little vacation.